Benefits of Solar Energy
SunKeeper products use natural solar energy in an easy,
safe, and cost-effective way to:
Reduce your energy bills
Be environmentally friendly
Add value to your home
Applied to SunKeeper pool heaters:
Heats your pool to a warm, comfortable temperature
Doubles your swim season with luxuriously warm water
Dramatically reduces or eliminates pool heating costs
Adds value to your pool and your home
Superiority of Solar Energy:
Why is solar energy superior for heating your pool?
Provides the lowest annual operational costs (energy is provided free
from the sun)
Provides the lowest maintenance costs (minimal if any)
It is the cleanest, safest and quietest source of energy
Solar systems have the longest life span (no moving parts, no corrosion)
- almost always outlasting their warranties.
A solar pool heating system pays for itself within 2 to 4 years
Solar Energy Technology:
Solar energy refers to the use of the sun's rays rather than electricity,
oil, kerosene or natural gas to provide heat for a wide variety of uses.
Sunlight strikes and heats an "absorber" surface within a "solar
collector". The water to be used flows through the absorber that
has been warmed by the sun and picks up the heat from it. An analogy is
often made to a garden hose that sits in the sun and then warms the initial
water passing through it.
The smaller the tubes, the slower the water flows through them which in
turn enables more heat to be transferred to the water. Likewise, if the
number of tubes used is increased, more water can be exposed to the heat
and therefore warmed. Most tubing is made of durable, lightweight, ultraviolet-resistant
polyolefin material blended with proprietary additives determined by each
In addition to the solar panels, the other major parts of a solar heating
system include the circulation system and the storage tank. For pools,
the circulation system is the pump and filter, and the storage tank is
the pool itself.
SunKeeper`s panels are made of durable, lightweight, ultraviolet-resistant,
material blended with proprietary under exacting, quality control standards.